Welcome to ecosave!

Welcome to ecosave! In this website which deals with an important and actual world problem: ecology. The main goal of this website is to introduce our TPE (Travail Personnel Encadré) which is a school project that French students have to work on every year in class of Première (upper high school). It is a work of research and creativity spread on about six months and which consists in a final oral exam.

First, let us introduce ourselves. We are three students of the Lycée Jules Froment, Aubenas, Ardèche: Blanc Florent, Niez Jérémy, Pinel Alexandre. We are interested in many things, especially sciences, languages, music, litterature and philosophy. That is why we chose to make our TPE in English (that was a great opportunity for us to practice, but we will come back on that point later). Also, we are in Première Scientifique (Scientific section in Première), that is why our TPE had to be related to sciences at a certain degree.

Now, we are to talk about why we chose to make our TPE about ecology. First, we are all interested in sciences. Second, we wanted to deal with an actual theme (we all know that there are huge pollution problems on the Earth). Third, we live in Ardèche which is a department in which there is much nature, so we were inspired. Fourth, we belong to this group of people in the World who want to protect the Earth, it is in danger because of pollution! If we do not do anything, in about twenty years, our planet will be a huge bin and it will not be bearable. Another important point is, why did we choose to make our TPE in English ? We are in the European section which consists in more English courses every week. We are always trying to practice for the exam that we are sitting in the middle of next year: the First Certificate of English (a Cambridge exam). Finally, the last thing you need to know about us is, why did we choose to make an internet website as data carrier for our TPE. The answer is that we have some programming knowledge. Florent Blanc and Alexandre Pinel made the html (web language) development, and Jérémy Niez, as for him, draw the website layout (Click here if you are interested in Alexandre Pinel's programming skills).

Now let us go straight to the point. In this website, we are going to offer possibilities for people to stop using toxic domestic products, you will learn how to replace toxic domestic products by DIY (Do It Yourself) products and what characteristics are needed to define a product as toxic or ecological. Then, you will learn about DIY domestic products that we created and we will talk about their effectiveness. Finally you will notice a series of experiences that we made with both toxic and ecological products to compare them.